How to use EMMS effectively

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First thing is to set up emms.

I could simply enable all the emms features in one line,

(with-eval-after-load 'emms (emms-all))

But above setup makes filtering tracks very slow because it's too heavy weight.

So I use below setup,

(with-eval-after-load 'emms
  ;; minimum setup is more robust

  ;; `emms-info-native' supports mp3,flac and requires NO cli tools
  (unless (memq 'emms-info-native emms-info-functions)
    (require 'emms-info-native)
    (push 'emms-info-native emms-info-functions))

  ;; extract track info when loading the playlist
  (push 'emms-info-initialize-track emms-track-initialize-functions)

  ;; I also use emms to manage tv shows, so I use mplayer only
  (setq emms-player-list '(emms-player-mplayer)))

Play mp3&flac in "~/Dropbox/music",

(defun my-music ()
  "My music."
  (when (bufferp emms-playlist-buffer-name)
    (kill-buffer emms-playlist-buffer-name))
  (emms-play-directory-tree "~/Dropbox/music")

Sometimes I need focus on challenge programming tasks and emms should play only Mozart&Bach.

(defvar my-emms-playlist-filter-keyword "mozart|bach"
  "Keyword to filter tracks in emms playlist.
Space in the keyword matches any characters.
 \"|\" means OR operator in regexp.")

(defun my-strip-path (path strip-count)
  "Strip PATH with STRIP-COUNT."
  (let* ((i (1- (length path)))
    (while (and (> strip-count 0)
                (> i 0))
      (when (= (aref path i) ?/)
        (setq strip-count (1- strip-count)))
      (setq i (1- i)))
    (setq str (if (= 0 strip-count) (substring path (1+ i)) path))
    (replace-regexp-in-string "^/" "" str)))

(defun my-emms-track-description (track)
  "Description of TRACK."
  (let ((desc (emms-track-simple-description track))
        (type (emms-track-type track)))
    (when (eq 'file type)
      (setq desc (my-strip-path desc 2)))

(defvar my-emms-track-regexp-function #'my-emms-track-regexp-internal
  "Get regexp to search track.")

(defun my-emms-track-regexp-internal (keyword)
  "Convert KEYWORD into regexp for matching tracks."
  (let* ((re (replace-regexp-in-string "|" "\\\\|" keyword)))
    (setq re (replace-regexp-in-string " +" ".*" re))))

(defun my-emms-track-match-p (track keyword)
  "Test if TRACK's information match KEYWORD."
  (let* ((case-fold-search t)
         (regexp (funcall my-emms-track-regexp-function keyword))
    (or (string-match regexp (emms-track-force-description track))
        (and (setq s (emms-track-get track 'info-genre)) (string-match regexp s))
        (and (setq s (emms-track-get track 'info-title)) (string-match regexp s))
        (and (setq s (emms-track-get track 'info-album)) (string-match regexp s))
        (and (setq s (emms-track-get track 'info-composer)) (string-match regexp s))
        (and (setq s (emms-track-get track 'info-artist)) (string-match regexp s)))))

(defun my-emms-show ()
  "Show information of current track."
  (let* ((emms-track-description-function (lambda (track)
                                            (let ((composer (emms-track-get track 'info-composer))
                                                  (artist (emms-track-get track 'info-artist)))
                                              (concat (if composer (format "%s(C) => " composer))
                                                      (if artist (format "%s(A) => " artist))
                                                      (my-emms-track-description track))))))

(defun my-emms-playlist-filter (&optional input-p)
  "Filter tracks in emms playlist.
If INPUT-P is t, `my-emms-playlist-random-track-keyword' is input by user."
  (interactive "P")
  ;; shuffle the playlist
  (when input-p
    (setq my-emms-playlist-filter-keyword
          (read-string "Keyword to filter tracks in playlist: ")))
  (with-current-buffer emms-playlist-buffer-name
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let* ((case-fold-search t)
      (while (setq track (emms-playlist-track-at))
         ((my-emms-track-match-p track my-emms-playlist-filter-keyword)
          (forward-line 1))

  ;; show current track info

As you can see, a little EMMS api knowledge could go a long way.

If you want to study EMMS API by practice, run M-x emms-playlist-mode-go, then M-x eval-expression RETURN (emms-playlist-track-at) to get the information of the track at point.

Here is my real world emms setup where you can see below code,

(defvar my-emms-track-regexp-function
  (lambda (str)
    ;; can search track with Chinese information
    (my-emms-track-regexp-internal (my-extended-regexp str)))
  "Get regexp to search track.")

So I can use Pinyin to search track's Chinese information. I don't know any other multimedia manager can do the same thing.

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